Why is there no 32 bit ISO for the new Ubuntu 18.04?
Productivity tools: Ubuntu supports all of your favourite web-based mail programs like Yahoo(TM) or Gmail (TM). Free Download Linux Operating System Desktop Edition ISO 32/64bit Click the download links given below for the desired Linux Operating System Desktop Edition ISO image for 32-bit or 64-bit i.e.
4 Answers
There are 32 bit ISO from the new 18.04 LTS distro, but not standard Ubuntu. The community flavours have uploaded 32 bit iso files, and some of them are particularly suitable for old 32 bit computers, because they have light desktop environments,

- Lubuntu
- Ubuntu Budgie
- Ubuntu MATE
- Xubuntu
You can find them via the following link. Look for 'i386' in the name of the iso file.
You can use the Ubuntu mini.iso
files in order to install Ubuntu in BIOS mode (but not in UEFI mode), and there is a 32-bit version with 'i386' in the name of the mini.iso
file. See this link,
So it is possible to install standard Ubuntu in a 32-bit computer, but in most cases it is better to use a community flavour of Ubuntu with a lighter desktop environment, because standard Ubuntu 'wants' more powerful hardware for graphics that what is common in most 32-bit computers.
Sep 28, 2017 - The main argument for dropping the 32-bit Ubuntu desktop build is that “there is no. You'll have to resort to the minimal ISO and the net install. Ubuntu 32/64-bit 18.04 ISO Desktop and Server Free Download is the latest version for Linux. It is the full offline installer standalone setup direct single click download of Ubuntu OS. It is the full offline installer standalone setup direct single click download of Ubuntu OS. Direct ISO CD Images 32 bit (desktop version) Direct ISO CD Images 64 bit (desktop version) Direct ISO CD Images 32 bit (server version). The author is the creator of nixCraft and a seasoned sysadmin, DevOps engineer, and a trainer for the Linux operating system/Unix shell scripting. Ubuntu Linux 9.04 CD / DVD ISO; Download of the day. So it is possible to install standard Ubuntu in a 32-bit computer, but in most cases it is better to use a community flavour of Ubuntu with a lighter desktop environment, because standard Ubuntu 'wants' more powerful hardware for graphics that what is common in most 32-bit computers. Ubuntu to stop releasing 32-bit desktop ISOs. You won’t be able to download an official 32-bit disk image of Ubuntu 17.10 or later. But a key reason Canonical is killing the 32-bit ISO.
However, there may be cases, when you want to run a 32-bit operating system in a 64-bit computer, for example if you have some application software, that only works with a 32-bit system, or because a 32-bit system uses less RAM for the same task compared to a 64-bit system.
Wow. A lot of misinformation here.
Ubuntu can still be run on 32-bit PCs and Ubuntu still provide 32-bit installers. All Ubuntu have stopped doing is producing 32-bit Live installer images. The other type of installer image - the network installer - is still available in both 64-bit and 32-bit (along with other architectures like arm64 and armhf which were never available as Live installers).
The network installer images don't boot to a live Ubuntu desktop instance, just to a basic installer that you can use to install Ubuntu onto your machine. If you've ever installed Debian, it's a bit like their installer. They are small images because they fetch almost all packages from the internet during installation (this is why they are called a network installer). This means that the installer can't be used without an internet connection. That said, this is a perfectly convenient way of installing Ubuntu these days, since most people have a permanent internet connection and the installer is light weight and has no frills.
Download Ubuntu 32-bit
Note that if you have a 64-bit capable machine, and you are not severely limited in physical RAM (ie, you have at least half a gigabyte) there is no good reason not to run 64-bit Ubuntu on it.
Ubuntu 32-bit Iso Download
Go to Alternative downloads/Network installer and download 32 bit mini installer. Other files will be downloaded by the installer.
Ubuntu has decided to stop creating desktop builds for 32bit since 17.10
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